Modifying the registration component (com_registration)
Today I decided to jump straight into the the registration component and modify it.
The form-validation if-statement in registration.html.php listed below was quick to modify. Now I have to decide where to define the two things I'm adding:
1. The subscriber validation function: subscriber_exists($id)
2. The error message constant: _REGWARN_SUBSCRIBER
The function does a database lookup so I guess I got to put it in the data later: registration.php, not the presentation layer: registration.html.php , but there are no obvious examples to follow. Going to have look it over and make a reasonable guess.
The form-validation if-statement in registration.html.php listed below was quick to modify. Now I have to decide where to define the two things I'm adding:
1. The subscriber validation function: subscriber_exists($id)
2. The error message constant: _REGWARN_SUBSCRIBER
The function does a database lookup so I guess I got to put it in the data later: registration.php, not the presentation layer: registration.html.php , but there are no obvious examples to follow. Going to have look it over and make a reasonable guess.
function submitbutton() {
var form = document.mosForm;
var r = new RegExp("[\<|\>|\"|\'|\%|\;|\(|\)|\&|\+|\-]", "i");
// do field validation
if (subscriber_exists(form.subscriberid.value)) {
alert( "<?php echo html_entity_decode(_REGWARN_SUBSCRIBER);?>" );
} else if ( == "") {
alert( "<?php echo html_entity_decode(_REGWARN_NAME);?>" );
} else if (form.username.value == "") {
alert( "<?php echo html_entity_decode(_REGWARN_UNAME);?>" );
} else if (r.exec(form.username.value) || form.username.value.length < 3) {
alert( "<?php printf( html_entity_decode(_VALID_AZ09), html_entity_decode(_PROMPT_UNAME), 2 );?>" );
} else if ( == "") {
alert( "<?php echo html_entity_decode(_REGWARN_MAIL);?>" );
} else if (form.password.value.length < 6) {
alert( "<?php echo html_entity_decode(_REGWARN_PASS);?>" );
} else if (form.password2.value == "") {
alert( "<?php echo html_entity_decode(_REGWARN_VPASS1);?>" );
} else if ((form.password.value != "") && (form.password.value != form.password2.value)){
alert( "<?php echo html_entity_decode(_REGWARN_VPASS2);?>" );
} else if (r.exec(form.password.value)) {
alert( "<?php printf( html_entity_decode(_VALID_AZ09), html_entity_decode(_REGISTER_PASS), 6 );?>" );
} else {
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